Here we are at two months old already! I feel a weird combination of "my how fast it has gone" and also that her birth seems like a lifetime ago. Considering how much we have been through in these two months and how much she has changed I suppose that is normal. At the two month check our baby girl weighed in at 10lbs 11ozs and 22.5 inches, that puts her in the 50th percentile for both height and weight, a jump in the weight category from the 25th at two weeks. So, needless to say she is eating fine! The smiles abound and her little language is developing daily as she entertains us with coos, gurgles, and other fun sounds. Here is a sample of what we've been up to
Playtime! |
First concert, Head for The Hills at New West Fest |
Found her thumb! |
A Baby Ponders |
Just chillin' with Dad |
And hangin' with Mom |
Family cuddle time! |
8-24-13, Baby and cat both weigh 10.1 lbs |
A full lap |
Visiting Dad during his Phish weekend |
More playtime, Stella joins in |
Ready to root for the home team, bring on football season! | | |
We are settling in to a routine. It was a bit of a struggle, I knew that we needed a routine more than anything but needed a little guidance as everything I tried didn't seem to be working. So I did what I always do when puzzled, found a book to help. I remembered that my sister-in-law found help in reading "The Secrets of the Baby Whisperer" by Tracy Hogg, so I gave it a whirl. It definitely helped, I was resistant to some of her suggestions but after a particularly rough bedtime I realized that obviously what I was doing wasn't working, so I dove in to her method. And, wow, we are all SO much happier as a result and Annalise has taken to our new schedule beautifully. She is even officially out of our room and in her own nursery. I think she likes her crib as evidenced by sleeping 6-7 straight hours, I've felt the need to wake her up the past two nights to feed! And what a difference it makes for Eric and I to actually use our own bathroom at night and turn on the lights without fear of waking the baby. Naps are even going pretty well, which leaves me some time to get things done (you know, important things, like blogging!). So, overall, we are on the right track! With one more month of maternity leave left I know we will all be happier making the transition with more structure.
As the fog of an uncomfortable pregnancy, complicated delivery, and sick newborn have lifted I thought it important to get some thoughts down before "baby amnesia" sets in, so here is my "Note to Self" on my journey into motherhood thus far:
Dear Self,
First, on pregnancy:
1. A dear friend told me when I was 12 weeks or so and feeling miserable, guilty for feeling miserable, and not at all excited that it is OK to not love being pregnant, you can still love your child. She then sent me a funny book, "Belly Laughs" by Jenny McCarthy. And laughing is just what you need. I also recommend "Lets All Panic About Babies!: How to Endure and Possible Triumph Over the Adorable Tyrant Who Will Ruin Your Body, Destroy Your Life, Liquify Your Brain, and Finally Turn You Into a Worthwhile Human Being" I'm telling you, I snorted with laughter at times. A good laugh at how ridiculously fast your body is changing is the best thing to do.
2. Remember to be kind to yourself, get a massage/facial/pedicure, or whatever makes you feel good, you are growing a human being, it's hard work!
3. Enjoy the extra attention, be it strangers opening doors for you, co-workers constantly asking how you are feeling, and all the extra smiles you receive due to your swollen belly. Even if you are annoyed, all this attention is due to others appreciating all the hard work your body is doing!
4. Let go of the guilt! If you are nauseous again ALL THE TIME, just take the bloody Zofran, it's ok! If all that sounds good is plain pasta with butter, go for it, the "pregnancy diet" can wait, especially when just eating anything is a chore. Remember, milkshakes have protein!
4. Self, try not to worry too much about your delivery, it may go completely wrong again, just like the first time, but, remember the end goal is healthy baby, healthy you, it doesn't matter how that is accomplished.
Now, Self, how about that little bundle of joy?
1. Remember what you read and your close friends clued you in to. It is OK not to have that stereotypical head-over-heels in love reaction when you meet your baby. It is ok to, instead, be overtaken with worry for this new little person you are responsible for. As with any relationship, it takes time. The overwhelming feelings of love will come, give it time.
2. Self, now this is important, it is OK to cry! Being a Mom is HARD! And is is OK to let other see you cry, especially your partner, he is probably feeling a lot of the same things you are, you don't have to be strong for everyone. So cry your eyes out when your Nook isn't charged and you finally have 10 minutes to read, cry when that little precious bundle just won't sleep, sob when your Mom leaves, IT'S OK!! Pretty soon you'll find that the tears change to tears of absolute love and joy as you sing a lullaby, read a special book, or just have a special moment snuggling with your little family.
3. Just as it's OK to cry, it's important to laugh, especially at yourself. When you have been puked, peed, and popped on in the same hour, just laugh, you'll feel better.
4. Let go of the guilt, AGAIN, I think this will be our mantra for all of motherhood, Self, just keep repeating!
5. You aren't doing everything wrong, even when you feel like it. You are doing the best you can!
6. It gets better, soon you'll be taking pictures like the ones below and laughing the whole time. Give it at least 6 weeks to let the hormones calm down and your body to heal a bit. Look forward to the future while cherishing these fleeting baby moments. Pretty soon we'll be taking first day of school pictures with that little white board!