Major life change # 2 for us, our very own house!
While I would not recommend moving with an infant and after having a c-section that puts restrictions on lifting, we got through it with the help of great parents and friends. First off, my Mom and step-dad did TONS of packing and cleaning while they were here. Then my wonderful in-laws came and did the heavy lifting to help us get it done. We also have some great friends that hauled all of our crap on moving day.
Not just lifting, but scrubbing too! |
Annalise helps in her own way |
I admit I was a little melancholy to say good-bye to the condo where we lived the past 5 1/2 year. It is where we became a family, first as newly-weds with our fur-children to bringing home our daughter. There were many, many meals shared, holidays enjoyed, and lots and lots of laughter. I hope the next tenants enjoy it as much as we did. Now on to making many more happy memories in our own home!
Unpacking and setting-up house with an infant is definitely a challenge. I have had to remind myself that things will get done in time and just to take my time. So our new house is far from settled but we have the important things done. Like the nursery!
I just need to hang the curtains and we'll pretty much be done! Of course now begins the "sleep in the crib" transition, we'll see how that goes...
Annalise is doing great, one would never guess at her rocky start. I weighed her this morning and she was 10lbs! I can't believe that but we'll see in a couple weeks at the doctor. So, needless to say, nursing is going pretty well. There have been a couple issues I've had to troubleshoot, but overall we are cruising right along. Mostly our days are consumed with attempting to establish a routine and unpacking. Nighttime routine is a success and she is starting the night with a 4-6hr stretch, so I can't complain there. The daytime naps are sporadic and unpredictable though, so I am trying to work on that. She has started to smile and make fun little noises (which include grunting in the middle of the night, yet another reason to get her in that crib!) Here are some of the highlights
First wearing of shoes |
Great Tantie and family come for a visit |
Is there anything cuter than baby feet? |
Grandpa learns the ropes |
Loves her play gym |
As for myself, I am recovering well and have almost zero pain now, there are the occasional twinges, but really nothing to write home about. Now to just deal with the new body image issues... The hormones have, seemingly, leveled out as I don't cry at the drop of a hat now and I am adjusting to my new role as "Mommy" while realizing I have loads more patience that I originally thought. So that is about it I guess. Hopefully I'll have more rooms done and photo ready in the weeks to come so we can show off our new digs!
The nursery looks lovely and Annalise looks happy and well fed! So glad you're getting settled in and enjoying the new home. Miss you.