Saturday, January 19, 2013

The Cat's Outta the Bag

Well, this cat is actually still in the bag, but you get the visual!  As I'm sure you all are well aware by now, Eric and I are expecting!  Official due date is July 8th, 2013.  Since I made it "facebook official" this week I figured  I should blog-officialize it as well. 

According to our first ultrasound, all is well with Baby F. 
Pretty cute fetus, if you ask me.  Unfortunately this lemon-sized human has not made my life very pleasant over the last 10 weeks or so.  I won't go in to all the overly-personal details but I'll say that I would pay very good money to be able to eat and eliminate like my normal self again.  And just about every pregnancy symptom you have heard rumor of, yeah, I have it.  Everyone says it gets better, I awake each day hoping I have entered the second trimester bliss that sounds like paradise, only to have to negotiate with my breakfast to stay put.  I'm trying not to complain too much, ok well, maybe a little, as I am well aware that this is a blessing and many, many women would give everything to experience this misery, erm... I mean miracle.  It's just hard to feel bad every single day when you are so  used to being pretty darn healthy.  It's one thing to understand, academically, all the amazing changes that occur during pregnancy and know all the possible symptoms.  It's quite another to actually experience them.  It's hard.  And scary.  I'm trying not to think too much about the grand finale at this point, because I know I'll feel pretty miserable then too.  But it's got to be worth it, otherwise people wouldn't choose to have more than one, right?  I hope to look back on this and say, just like every other mother I have spoken to who nods their head in sympathy "It's totally worth it". 


  1. Cutest fetus I'VE ever seen, bar none. And poor Stella, already getting the short end of the stick.

  2. Hang in there, Baby. I love you and am praying for you, Eric and Yorvit-ina. I agree with you mother...Cutest fetus EVER!

  3. First of all Congrats you two, secondly looks just like ya, lol.
