Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Two cents on Tebow

I don't know about the rest of the country but CO has gone a little Tebow crazy.  Broncos fans are an interesting bunch.  Let me give you some background first.  When we first moved out here in 2006 Broncos fans were in an uproar over QB Jake Plummer.  He was a decent player, but no John Elway.  I was shocked to hear self-proclaimed life-long Broncos fans cursing him and saying things like "I'll never watch the Broncos again" and giving up their season tickets.  I guess I may have a  little jaded perspective on what it means to be a sports fan, I am, after all, from IL.  And a Cubs fan.  And an Illini fan.  Not a Bears fan thank god, but the Packers have given me plenty of seasons of heartache and I love them just the same.  So us IL sports team fans know what it is like to root for your team through thick and thin, we are even a little sadistic perhaps.

  When we moved here we took full advantage of the opportunity to root for the home teams (except when they play the Cubs or Packers of course) and go to many games.  We watched as the Broncos run out coach Mike Shannahan, and 2 more quarterbacks.  Then, as Josh Mcdaniels was gutting the home team from the inside out a spark of hope was aquired.....Tim Tebow. 

From his first season as a the 2nd string QB his jersey sold more than the starter Kyle Orton.  Where else does that happen?!  What is wrong with these fans? I have asked myself time and time again.  I started feeling sorry for Orty (or "Old Neck Beard" as Eric calls him)  I mean, he's not THAT bad.  But, as was apparent at the Chargers v Broncos game we were at, the average Broncos fan was not as supportive, basically booing him off the field, then going crazy when Tebow was put in a was successful at a couple trick plays.  Then they started him.  And then he started winning.  And this beautiful state in which I live went Tebow crazy.

Each week I shook my head in disbelief as his awful passes were somehow caught, or he managed to slip through and run the ball.    And I thought, why does this guy bug me?  I didn't go this far though:

(I hope that link works, never put one in before)
I think it's great that he has such strong faith, that humility and conviction is pretty rare these days.  Thank goodness there is a positive role model in sports.  I also think he has brought good sportsmanship back to light.  He always shakes hands with everyone.  He never takes the bait in interviews and is always positive.  Maybe we are all still looking for the crazy to come out, but so far, he is pretty darn genuine.  But, bottom line, he's really not that good.  But maybe that doesn't matter, he inspires his team to play better and, somehow, they make it work.  You can never accuse this guy of not working hard, that's for sure.  And here in CO he makes for some humorous news stories.  Not sure how this reflects our the state of things here when every 3rd story on the News is Tebow-related. 

But when people teach their animals to "Tebow" I find it pretty amusing.  We even have a sea lion at the zoo that can Tebow! And predicts winners (he just predicted a Patriots win though, as do I). 

We'll see  how much farther they go and I'll continue to cheer on the home team and chuckle at the amount of news coverage and how a last name has become a verb.   But if they play the Packers, watch out, my heart really belongs to Aaron Rodgers.  

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